Soft Sculpture


Hangzhou Ehoo Garment Co.,Ltd.


Luxury Fashion - Coats

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Soft Sculpture's raglan sleeve is tailored diagonally to highlight smooth lines and is perceived a retro vintage feeling comparable to the early 19th century Romanticism. The eco-friendly plain white fabric reveals the minimalist sculptural texture. An indigenous boost of the shoulder width and the optimized top and shoulder proportion deliver a subtly strong but not exaggerated sense that perfectly make it a part of the garment, which is perceived somewhat surprised but non-overwhelmed. The extra wide shoulder is sharply contrasted with the cinched style to create an eye-catching effect. The sleeve is made from a crisp fabric that is perceived immensely textured. Notably the cloth is finished with 3D pleated woven effect. For the sake of smooth and flat lines, the textured design resembling human body is assisted by darting (to cut off excess corners) and pleating, which not only allows the profiling to fit the body, but also reflects the aesthetic appeal of the fabric to the extent possible. The personal understanding of the garment and impressive control of garment sewing distinguish Soft Sculpture from other garments and reveal the wearer's personality and charm.