A wonderland where the sun never sets


Yuli Design


Luxury Interior Design - Intelligent Homes

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The concept of hotel feel is used in the living room, as the overarching theme of traveling is integrated to every corner of this space. This home delivers an enhanced lifestyle brought by the latest technology. The tablet in your hands can transport you to every area of your home, giving the excitement of being able to control your home with just the touch of a finger. Behind the porch grille, the home office area for the male owner has a desk with an appearance that is representative of the check-in counter in a hotel lobby. The open-concept living room design is like a travelers’ lounge that welcomes and accommodates passengers. The elegant long table in the dining room intends to provide the experience of a theme restaurant, as if we are about to see a chef preparing all kinds of exotic dishes. The bar area imitates the design of a Lounge Bar, where you can relax and chat with a drink on the go. The master bedroom is in a private section of the home and intends to give a first-class experience. Each guest bedroom is arranged with an unique style, continuing the theme of a diversification of hospitality designs. The entertainment space on the top floor is representative of a hotel banquet hall, acting as an expression of the necessary balance between entertainment and independence. The smart experience begins at the front entrance that is equipped with a smart lock feature on the door. In continuation, the window shades and the brightness of the light sources adapt to the sunlight, with a decorative lighting design that adds to this theatrical display. The monitoring systems can detect danger in surroundings, including fire detection, smoke detection, and security video surveillance features. Besides those safety features, the air conditioning and heating system monitors the temperature and adjusts accordingly, and the entertainment audio-visual equipment self-activates based on settings. Automatic vacuums that are set up on various floors and spaces to maintain cleanliness at all times. With the integration of technology and design.

iLuxury Awards - A wonderland where the sun never sets


Yuli Design - CEO